Make sure you have the latest version of your products else this manual won't match.
This instructions manual explain you what each buttons does onto your Signature mesh body or head HUD, it will also guide you setting up your APPLIERS and AUTO HIDE.
On the left side panel, select a category leading to your needs.
For older products versions, go to the DEPRECATED MANUAL
Using this section you can adjust the tint and the shine color of your body layers with the color pickerHow to tint a layer:
- choose your target (example: SKIN), left click on the brush icon to adjust the diffuse color or the sparkling icon for the shine color
- hold and drag left click to choose the color to apply to the target
- when you're satisfied of the color, release left click and the color is applied
- paste your RGB color (example: 175,161,153) code in the popup
- paste your LSL color (example: <0.686, 0.627, 0.600>) code in the popup
- paste your HEX color (example: afa099) code in the popup
- click Submit to input the color code to the selected target
To save your current color, use the 2nd empty(white) paint drops icons.
How to save the current selected color:
- first select the tint you want to save on the color picker
- left click a empty(white) paint drop icon on the 2nd row
- a menu pops up then select "Save" or "Overwrite (if slot is not empty)"
- left click the saved paint drop you want to apply
- a menu pops up then select "Apply"
- left click the saved paint drop you want to delete
- a menu pops up then select "Delete"
- if the paint drop icon color turns white that means the saved color is deleted
You have the possibility to choose your body skin shininess, light, bright and wet, left click to apply it.Bakes On Mesh (BOM):
To activate or deactivate Bakes on Mesh on your body, left click on the 'HERE' button a menu pops up and choose what you would like to do.
This option allow you to wear all SL Layers, like skin, tattoos, clothes onto your Mesh Body.
Here you can tune your body layers glossiness, intensity, glow and brightness.GLOSSINESS: the glossiness is the shininess when you are exposed to the sun or a light, you can adjust the sharpness.
INTENSITY: the intensity is the intensity of the glossiness, if you lower the intensity the glossiness will be less visible and vice versa.
GLOW: make your body glowing like a christmas tree.
BRIGHT: if you turn the brightness ON your body will be full bright in the dark.
NORMAL: the normal is the normal map of your body, this is useful for skin texture details like pores, veines
To use third party AO or Bento hands animation left click on the 'HERE' button below the HANDS MOTION section to disable the built-in hands animations to allow all animations to properly animate your hands and fingers.
The hands poses are different static poses, some of them are neutral, relaxed, pinch, grab, or different fingers signs such as OK, Peace.To enable them left click on the R right or L left icons.
Tips: Click on the lock icon to lock or unlock your wrists. This is usefull to prevent weird wrists torsion.
The hands motion animate your fingers randomly, you can choose your preferred motion for your right left or both hands.NAILS
You can adjust your fingernails length by left clicking on the nail length icons.To change the color or tone of your nails select fingers both or toes then click a tone or a color.
FEET POSES (only for compatible body)
You can change your feet position, left click the middle foot icon to change both at once or right and left to change separately.Tips: Click on the lock icon to lock or unlock your ankles. This is usefull to prevent weird ankles torsion.
BODYHAIR (only for compatible body)
Under ALPHA & LAYERS tab make sure the TATTOO layer is SHOWN, to do that click on the refresh icon and confirm with YES.
Select a chest hair of your choice using left click, there is 2 version of each, one with back hair and one without back hair.To fully shave your chest click on the red CLEAR button.
Select a legs hair of your choice using left click.To fully shave your legs click on the red CLEAR button.
Select a arms hair of your choice using left click.To fully shave your arms click on the red CLEAR button.
You can change the color of the body hair under the SHINE & COLORS tab, select the "TATTOO/HAIR" brush icon and choose a color with the tint picker.
This section is to manage your body alpha, if you need to hide a specific spot on your body to prevent clothes from showing through, using left click select the body part to hide(blue) or show(white).Tips: Hold left click and paint with your mouse over the body parts you would like to hide (only in HIDE BODY BY PART selection mode)
- select by PART if you want to hide your by part, for example just your wrist
- select by SECTION if you want to hide your body by section, for example the whole forearm
REFRESH icon: reset the whole body alpha to visible(white)
FINGERNAILS: hide(blue) or show(white) the left or right fingernails (the fingernails will automatically hide if the hands are hidden)
TOENAILS: hide(blue) or show(white) the left or right toenails (the toenails will automatically hide if the feet are hidden)
The saving icons allow you to save the current hidden body parts that you previously selected on the dummy above.
How to save the current alpha:
- select the save slot you want to save the current alpha
- click on the button "SAVE"
- select the save slot you want to apply on your body (it will show a preview of the selected save in cyan color)
- click "APPLY" below (the preview will turn blue, it will be applied on the body)
- select the save slot you want to delete
- click "DELETE" below
- you will need to confirm, click "YES" on the dialog menu
- click on the red database icon
- you will need to confirm, click "YES" on the dialog menu
PRESETS: click on HIDE(blue) or SHOW(white) then select which alpha preset you would like to interact with.
Left click on the body part icon to hide(blue) or show(white) the tattoo layer from your body.If you would like to reset the tattoo layer opacity to default click on the refresh icon.
- click on INPUT button
- Open your Second Life inventory, hold the far left CTRL key on your keyboard, drag and drop a texture over the DRAG & DROP box on your body HUD
(or click on Input texture UUID and paste the texture UUID) - Select the texture you would like to apply by clicking the small square where your texture is at
- Once you have selected the chosen texture, the large square is the active texture who is going to be applied on your body
- On the DESTINATIONS section select which layer you would like to apply the active texture
- On the BODY PARTS section, check each box (body parts) you would like to apply the texture on
- Once you are done, you can click on 'APPLY' button, it will apply over your body parts
- (Make sure your tattoo layer is showing under ALPHA & LAYERS HUD tab)
If you need to empty your texture storage, you can erase all textures stored in the DROPBOX by clicking the red database icon.
- click on CLEAR button
- Select the destination you would like to clear under DESTINATIONS section
- On the BODY PARTS section, check each boxes you would like to clear the texture from
- Once you are done, you can click on 'APPLY' button, it will clear your body parts
MANUAL: This button bring you to this manual you are currently reading
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
ORGANS: HIDE or SHOW the organs, the organs are the root of your body for the functionalities, you can make them disappear by clicking HIDE
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory body and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your body, the HUD will remain functional but the body won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
ORGANS: HIDE or SHOW the organs, the organs are the root of your body for the functionalities, you can make them disappear by clicking HIDE
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory body and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your body, the HUD will remain functional but the body won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
You have the possibility to choose your face skin shininess, normal, shiny, sweaty and wet, left click to apply it.EARS: If you are using third party ears left click on HIDE, to remove them. Left click on HIDE again to make them visible.
Bakes on Mesh: BOM is enabled by default on your head, if you would like to disable it and use applier left click and select Deactivate
Select between 3 differents HD lips and 2 differents tones.You can also remove the HD lips by left clicking the red CLEAR button
For better comfort while customizing your mouth, you can click OPEN to open it and CLOSE to close it.You can remove your front teeth by turning blue each one you would like to remove.
Select between normal, yellow and bloody teeth.
First turn on by left clicking the braces icon.There is different braces colors, select BOTH to change the top and bottom one at the same time.
Else you can change only the bottom one by selecting BOTTOM and the colors of your choice below.
First turn on by left clicking the grillz icon.There is different grillz colors, select BOTH to change the top and bottom one at the same time.
Else you can change only the bottom one by selecting BOTTOM and the colors of your choice below.
Tips: You can adjust the diffuse color, specularity color, glossiness, intensity and more using

First make sure you are wearing the "Mesh Hair" in your head folder, now left click a hair style of your choice on your head HUD.You can also fully shave your head by left clicking the red CLEAR button
First make sure you are wearing the "Mesh Beard" in your head folder, now left click a beard style of your choice on your head HUD.You can also fully shave your beard by left clicking the red CLEAR button
There is different type of eye brows, select BOTH to change the right and left one at the same time.Else you can change only the right one by selecting RIGHT and the brows of your choice below.
BROWS ADJUSTMENTS: You can adjust your eyebrows position and wideness by moving the dot inside the grid.
Tips: You can adjust the diffuse color, specularity color, glossiness, intensity and more using

To change your eyes colors, select BOTH and choose a color below.If you would like to have heterochromia eyes (different eyes colors), click on RIGHT or LEFT and select a color.
IRIS SIZE: You can adjust your iris size by moving the dot inside the grid.
PUPIL DILATATION: The pupil of your eyes randomly dilate and retract, if you would like to stop it you can turn it off by left clicking OFF
There is different type of eye lashes, select BOTH to change the top and bottom one at the same time.Else you can change only the bottom one by selecting BOTTOM and the lashes of your choice below.
Tips: You can adjust the diffuse color, specularity color, glossiness, intensity and more using

These animations are different moods that you can play, your face will be animated in a loop as long as the mood is selected in blue.PLAY: To play an mood choose one and left click to trigger the animation.
STOP: To stop an mood left click the active one, the active mood is the one selected in blue.
These animations are different expressions that you can play, your face will be playing a static facial expression as long as the emote icon is selected in blue.PLAY: To play an expression choose one and left click to trigger the animation.
STOP: To stop an expression left click the active one, the active expression is the one selected in blue.
These animations play only when you are typing in the local chat or using your microphone.If you would like to use your voice to trigger the animation on your head, you will need to activate the "Voice Detection" gesture in your inventory.
Voice Detection Gestures:
- High pitch gesture: if enabled the animation will play when you are loudly talking
- Medium pitch gesture: if enabled the animation will play when you are normaly talking
- Low pitch gesture: if enabled the animation will play when you are whispering
Select your talking mood using left click, and start typing or talking in your microphone, your face will be animated.
With this API you can trigger built-in animations using third party scripts or objects.By default the API is turned OFF to prevent other objects to trigger animations without your permission, simply click ON to enable it.
If the API is enabled, you can get a list with of all the animations name available using the "getanim" command in your local chatbox (CTRL + H) to open local chatbox and type:
/-118890 getanim
To trigger an animation using a command open your local chatbox and type:
/-118890 trigger happy
To create an object that trigger animation, here is a simple example script copy and paste the snippet below in a script in Second Life:
//left click the object root where the script is inside
touch_start(integer total_number)
llSay(-118890, "trigger happy");
llOwnerSay("The mood 'happy' is now playing on your head");
- click on INPUT button
- Open your Second Life inventory, hold the far left CTRL key on your keyboard, drag and drop a texture over the DRAG & DROP box on your body HUD
(or click on Input texture UUID and paste the texture UUID) - Select the texture by clicking the small square where your texture is at
- Once you have selected the chosen texture, click the target box DIFFUSE, NORMAL or SPECULAR
- On the DESTINATIONS section select which layer you would like to apply the active texture
- Once you are done, you can click on 'APPLY' button, it will apply over your head
If you need to empty your texture storage, you can erase all textures stored in the DROPBOX by clicking the red database icon.
- click on CLEAR button
- Select the destination you would like to clear under DESTINATIONS section
- Once you are done, you can click on 'APPLY' button, it will clear your selected head destination
MANUAL: This button bring you to this manual you are currently reading
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
BRAIN: HIDE or SHOW the brain, the brain is the root of your head for the functionalities, you can make them disappear by clicking HIDE
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory head and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your head, the HUD will remain functional but the head won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
BRAIN: HIDE or SHOW the brain, the brain is the root of your head for the functionalities, you can make them disappear by clicking HIDE
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory head and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your head, the HUD will remain functional but the head won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
You can get your textures kits at the Signature mainstore below the product display vendors associated with.Our Signature products have a built-in Signature applier system, which means all Signature appliers work with any Signature body or head.
How to create a Siganture applier (need some build and script syntax knowledge):
- 1. open the kit and get the content of the kit into your inventory
2. create a HUD with at least 2 prim,
- only 1 root prim (root prim is the prim with the Applier and Config script inside)
- at least 1 child prim (all others child prims is a buttons to apply textures by clickin git) - 3. first put the Applier script into root prim
- 4. second put the config script into root prim
- 5. follow the instructions in the local chat or read the hovering text above your HUD in Second Life
- There is a demo applier inside your folder, take a look at the content and the build of this demo applier
- Make sure to properly label each child prims (buttons) the same as in the config script
- Take a look at the config that comes with the kit, there is an example configuration inside
- You can link a child prim to your hud called "detach" if you click this button the HUD will detach from your ATH
Body layer names |
skin |
tattoo |
nails |
skin_normal |
skin_specular |
tattoo_normal |
tattoo_specular |
nails_normal |
nails_specular |
Head layer names |
skin |
lips |
teeth |
hair |
beard |
caruncle |
brows, brows1, brows2 |
lashes, lashes1, lashes2 |
eyes, eyes1, eyes2 |
All the Signature appliers are compatible with any body or head,
excepted certain older body versions that does not support textures on left and right arms separately,
but older version of appliers are working on the recent body.
We removed underwear and clothes layers on our latest body versions since the Bakes on Mesh update those layers become obsolete.
excepted certain older body versions that does not support textures on left and right arms separately,
but older version of appliers are working on the recent body.
We removed underwear and clothes layers on our latest body versions since the Bakes on Mesh update those layers become obsolete.
Omega is an universal texture applier system, this system works with our Signature products with a pre-installed Omega system, any Omega compatible applier works with our bodyCOMPATIBILITIES
Body layers compatibilities:
Signature layer names | Omega layer names |
skin | skin |
tattoo | tatt |
You can get your body auto hide kit at the Signature mainstore below the body display vendors.
The auto hide is a system that is already installed in the body by default, if you wear any compatible auto hide clothes, object or primitive it will automatically hide or show the correct body parts on attach or detach.
You can disable this feature using your main body HUD under ALPHA & LAYERS tab, AUTO HIDE ON or OFF
How to create an auto hide object:
Tips: if your cloth is not compatible with this feature, do what is explained above using an primitive or object.
Once you have setup your auto hide object, attach this object that you have created on your ATH or any AVATAR attachments point, wear this primitive/object at the same time as your cloth or outfit, it will automatically hide your body parts for you.
The auto hide is a system that is already installed in the body by default, if you wear any compatible auto hide clothes, object or primitive it will automatically hide or show the correct body parts on attach or detach.
You can disable this feature using your main body HUD under ALPHA & LAYERS tab, AUTO HIDE ON or OFF
How to create an auto hide object:
- 1. wear the latest version of your body and HUD (you can get the latest version using the redelivery terminal at the mainstore or the HUD under SETTING tab)
- 2. wear or rez on the ground your object, put the "Signature Body Auto Hide" script inside the root content of that object (for example: mesh clothes, primitive or any objects)
- 3. on the body HUD select only the parts (in blue) that you would like to auto hide for this object
- 4. wear the "[Signature] Body Auto Hide - HUD Manager", then click on it
- 5. wait for the "[Signature] Body Auto Hide - HUD Manager" to do the work (you can read what the HUD says using your local chat), your object is now ready.
Tips: if your cloth is not compatible with this feature, do what is explained above using an primitive or object.
Once you have setup your auto hide object, attach this object that you have created on your ATH or any AVATAR attachments point, wear this primitive/object at the same time as your cloth or outfit, it will automatically hide your body parts for you.
You can get your auto feet poses at the Signature mainstore below the body display vendors.
The auto feet poses is a system that is already installed in the body by default, if you wear any compatible auto hide shoes, object or primitive it will automatically set your feet pose on attach.
How to create an auto feet poses object:
The auto feet poses is a system that is already installed in the body by default, if you wear any compatible auto hide shoes, object or primitive it will automatically set your feet pose on attach.
How to create an auto feet poses object:
- Put the correct feet pose script inside the root content of your object, only 1 per object.
Select between Soft and Veiny skin textures.SOFT: The texture of the penis skin is set to soft
VEINY: The texture of the penis skin is set to veiny
Click the skin tone of your choice to match your body skin, 1 to 7 are the same skin tone as our default body skin (Ivory to Chestnut).
We added 2 extra tones for darker skin, you can fine tune the color by using the tint icon.
If you would like to unsync the color picker with the body, left click and turn the button to OFF. Now the penis will be tinted separately.
You can choose between 3 pubic hair, from no hair using the red CLEAR button to 3 differents styles simply by left clicking the image.CONDOM STYLES
Left click on a condom pattern to change the appearance.(Wear a condom using the INTERACTION menu below to be able to see the texture of the condom changing.)
(This option only work without a condom.)The drips are sperm surrounding the penis shaft, available in 5 different quantity.
If you adjust the color of the sperm drips it will also adjust the color of the ejaculation.
Tips: You can adjust the diffuse color, specularity color, glossiness, intensity and more using

Using SHOW or HIDE you can quickly make the penis appear or disappear from your avatar. (it will remain attached to your avatar but invisible)Select the stage of your penis from flaccid to fully erected in 6 steps. There is also 3 downward erected stages.
POSITION: By using the arrows you can adjust the direction of where the shaft is pointing at. (The icon reset the position of the shaft to default)
PENIS LENGTH: The penis shaft length can be adjusted with 3 sizes. (M = medium L = long XL = extra long)
TESTIS HEIGHT: Adjust the testicles height to be lower or higher from the shaft.
EJACULATE: This option will make the penis ejaculate as long as it's ON, left click to turn it ON or OFF.
(While wearing a condom it will ejaculate inside of it, to change your condom remove it and wear a new one using the CONDOM button.)
CONDOM: Wear or remove the condom from your penis.
MANUAL: This button bring you to this manual you are currently reading
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
HUD ICON: You can censor the minimized HUD icon to a pixelated icon by turning the button ON
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory genital and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your genital, the HUD will remain functional but the genital won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
TELEPORT: You will be asked to be teleported to the Signature mainstore
ARROWS: The arrows help you moving your HUD around your SL viewer screen, click RESET to go back to default position
REDELIVERY or UPDATE: You can get a fresh redelivery of your product or check if your product need to be updated. If there is an update available, the box icon will light up in GREEN
If you doesn't receive anything make sure you have not muted any Signature owners or servers by mistake.
HUD ICON: You can censor the minimized HUD icon to a pixelated icon by turning the button ON
RESET SCRIPTS: If you seems to be lost and want to go back to factory genital and HUD settings, click and confirm with YES
DELETE SCRIPTS: You can delete all scripts from your genital, the HUD will remain functional but the genital won't interact with the HUD anymore. If you need a new package of this product, you can get a delivery using the redeliver/update option
If you couldn't find help here, take a look at the frequently asked questions page.